For orders within the United States, we ship FedEx for 2-6 day shipping. For the rest of the world, we generally ship FedEx International, for 3-10 day shipping.
We use a third party warehouse in Los Angeles, CA - they do not ship on weekends but usually 1-2 days after the order was placed.
BARE KNUCKLES is not responsible for paying additional VAT charges for customs clearance. All customs is separate from the shipping cost and is out of our control. We cannot lower the value of orders to avoid potential customs.
Lost shipments and stolen packages from doorsteps/mailboxes are not the responsibility of BARE KNUCKLES and claims must be made by the customer to the appropriate carrier.
We are not able to offer returns or exchanges at this time. We have provided detailed measurements of each product to help you make the best sizing choice. Exchanges for a new size or store credit can be worked out on a case-by-case basis. Shoot us an email.
If there is an error on our part (due to wrong size or damage), please email us at and we will get it sorted out. Thank you for understanding.
BARE KNUCKLES will not accept any items that have been worn, washed, or altered for any reason. We are not responsible for normal wear and tear.